Monday, February 25, 2013

2013 Race Schedule

After looking at all the great events out there, I've put together the following race schedule for 2013:

Martian Half-Marathon - 4/14

Rev3 Knoxville Olympic - 5/5

Ironman Florida 70.3 - 5/19

Rev3 Quassy Half - 6/2 (Tentative, but unlikely)

Rev3 Williamsburg Half - 6/23

Ironman Lake Placid - 7/28

Ironman Muskoka 70.3 - 9/8 

Rev3 Branson Half - 9/22

Ironman Florida - 11/2 (Tentative, but likely)

It was pretty tough to narrow down to this list of events.  Even looking within about an 8 hour drive, there is the potential to race a major event nearly every weekend between May and September.  Just so many great events out there now!  

You will also note that I will be racing 3 Rev3 events (and possibly more) and will participate in the Rev3 Pro Series.  I have been to Rev3 Knoxville the past 3 years, and I am very impressed in both the quality of their events and what they are doing to progress the sport.  If you've never been to a Rev3 Event (, I highly recommend you check one out; you will not be disappointed.

As with all plans, the list is subject to change, and I am excited to kick-off the 2013 triathlon season in less than 10 weeks!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fraser Bicycle Indoor TT Series: Race 3 and a Swim Test

It’s hard to believe that we are already in the middle of winter, with the 2013 race season just around the corner.   To help track my progress this winter, I signed up for the inaugural Fraser Bicycle Indoor TT Race Series.  The race series is a total of 5 events, with the top 4 placings counting towards the final series ranking.  While there is no substitute for riding outside, group riding at the Computrainer Lab at Fraser Bicycle with the added motivation of a competitive event, the race series has been great for tracking how my cycling fitness is trending during the long winter months when we are stuck indoors.  It really adds that extra motivation to push and really see where your power is at.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Training Update: Charity Ride and Battling the Bugs!

It’s been about 2 weeks since my last training update, and all was going well until mid-last week, when I got bit by the head cold bug again.  By mid-January, everyone in our house seemed to be recovered from the annoying runny noses and stuffy heads that we’ve been playing tag with since early December.  We were finally bug-free.  I was in a good training groove, hitting all of my key sessions and seeing progress, and then “tag”.  I’m it (again)!

On January 26, I rode a 4-hour segment, from 8:30 PM to 12:30 AM in the Fraser Bicycle ( 24-hour Charity Lab-a-thon, to benefit local charities.  Since I would be surrounded with others pushing their trainer limits, I figured I would use this as a test to see where my long ride fitness is.  Since is for charity, it’s just an easy ride, right?  Wrong.  Line up 16 triathletes, mountain bikers and various other riders on Computrainers and the unwritten rules take over:  it’s always a competition.  

Fraser Bicycle Computrainer Lab at about 2:00 AM