Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

As the holiday season is now in full swing, I want to say to everyone have a Merry Christmas and a happy, fun and SAFE Holiday Season!  This is always a great time I enjoy spending time with family and friends that I don't get to see too much of during the rest of the year.  So enough about that, off to the festivities!

Check back soon for my 2012 season review!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Team Fraser Multisport

Last weekend at the annual meeting, I was elected to the Board of Directors beginning in 2013.  While everyone's roles and responsibilities are still to be determined, I am excited to be part of the Club Leadership for the next 2 years.  With so many enthusiastic club members in triathlon, road, mountain biking, cyclocross, track, youth and juniors and touring, there is no doubt this will be an exciting and rewarding experience with so many different disciplines involved.

If anyone in the southeastern Michigan area has any questions about Club Fraser, please send me a message!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Swim: Concentration and Patience!

In continuing with the theme of swim related posts, here is yet another…

Over the past month, I’ve upped my swim volume and frequency considerably over my last season “norm” from roughly 3 swims per week for 10-12km to 4-5 swims per week giving 14-16km.  With this increase in swim volume, and more importantly frequency, I’m starting to see the benefits.  At this point, it’s nothing remarkable, just incremental improvements in my swim pace, mostly for 25m, 50m and 100m times, but a couple of seconds here and there adds up to minutes on race day.