Finally! Race
week is almost here! It’s hard to
believe it’s already been about 7 month since Kona, and it’s time to get back
to racing again. The time since
Kona was first spent taking a much-needed recovery from a long 2011 season, and
then it was back to building my base for 2012. All was going to plan, and then about 2 months ago, I
started talking with Coach Bonnie from Fraser Bicycle about what would be a
good first race of the season. I
really like the Rev3 Knoxville in early May…but the question was which race: the Olympic or the Half-IM? My last 2 seasons were based around a
relatively early-season Ironman in Coeur d’Alene, which required the key preparation
phase from mid-March through June.
As part of this build-up I raced the Rev3 Knoxville Half as a key
milestone indicator. This year is
different. I am giving Ironman
another more shot, but this year, it is late in August at Ironman
Louisville. With that in mind, my
early season fitness is at a different point than it has been the past 2
years. Also, the added benefit of
a late season IM, is that I can race something shorter than a Half or Full,
which would be a nice change. So
based on these 2 main factors, the Olympic it is!
Over the past 2 months, we changed the focus of my training
from long-course to short-course.
The first thing I have to say is that there is nothing easy about
short-course! Overall training
time is slightly less than my long-course training plan, but the reduction of
long bike and run was made up with intensity. Physically, I seemed less fatigued and tired overall, but
mentally it meant that you needed to be a ready hit the correct intensity….not
all the time, but when the plan called for it. More so than in IM training, it was essential make the hard
days hard and the easy ones easy.
So here I am just over 1 week from race day, and everything
is coming together nicely. Based
on my training, I know the changes in my training approach have had the desired
effect. I have supplemented my
base endurance with the added speed required for short-course racing, but the
question is by how much? I am not
sure; that will be defined on race day.
But until then, I know I am prepared physically and mentally and all
that’s left is the final preparations and count the days until race day….which
is right where I wanted to be in 1 week out from race day!